Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world to get your PADI Scuba Dive Certification. Our experienced team looks forward to show you the beauty of Costa Rica below the surface. We have unspoiled world class dive sites for beginner and advanced divers. Enjoy this 4 day course in private with our multilingual instructors. We include equipment and dive computer rental with the PADI Open Water Course.
The PADI Open Water Diver is the first scuba certification level. Our highly-trained PADI Instructor will teach you how to scuba dive in a relaxed, supportive learning environment.
By the end of the course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to dive at home or abroad and be an ambassador for the underwater world.

When you sign up for the course you will receive acces to PADI eLearning. In your own time and at your own pace you work your way through the knowledge you need to become a scuba diver. When you complete the online theory and exams you schedule your first pool session with your instructor. You will spend two mornings in the pool to cover all the basic scuba diving skills. Our experienced instructors will make sure you feel comfortable underwater using scuba diving equipment.

When you completed all the skills and excersizes in the pool, the next step is the most fun. You are ready to explore the underwater world and its marine life. To receive the PADI Open Water certification your instructor will guide you through 4 open water dives. You complete several excersize that you are already familiar with from your pool sessions. And then you go for an exploration dive and meet the incredible marine life that the pacific coast of Costa Rica has to offer.
In case you already started your PADI open water course with your local dive center and you wish to complete your certification with Rich Coast Diving in Costa Rica then you can choose the Open Water Referral Course. Read more about this HERE.
And once you start your adventures in diving, you crave that feeling of being under the water all the time.

After taking your Open water course you want to learn more about diving so you are able to go deeper and feel more secure about your knowledge and skills. In order to achieve the knowledge you start working on getting your advanced certification, and also by knowing more about the scuba-diving culture you start to be conscious about the problems that can come with it. Then, you want to know how to solve problems, or how to prevent them more importantly, so you take the Rescue Course. Now you are a Rescue diver and you are able to solve problems under pressure at the surface and underwater.
After a time being a rescue diver, you may want to keep pushing yourself into more challenging adventures. So you decide to improve your skills by doing specialties. The main point is to learn specific skills about the things you are interested in. For example, I will expose some different specialties you could be interested in taking.
As a rescue diver you may want to take the O2 provider specialty, this course gives you the necessary knowledge for being capable of solving different emergencies related with diving problems. Also it will give you more self confidence when you have to handle real emergencies.
If you want to learn more about marine species and how they behave in their environment, another option you have is to take the Shark Specialty Course or another Project Aware related program. In the course you learn why sharks are important for the environment and also what problems they face, including shark finning, one of the most terrible things we are doing to this majestic species.
If you are keen to explore the underwater world, the Wreck and the Deep Specialty are the courses for you. These two specialties are often done together. This is because sometimes you may want to visit a wreck at 40 metres, so in that case the Deep course will help you to handle the different situations you may face underwater. In addition, taking the wreck specialty gives you the knowledge necessary to be prepared to go inside a wreck. If you ever go into a wreck, there is a lot of stuff you need to take into consideration; do not ever go in if you are not certified to do so. The Nitrox Course could be interesting for you if you like to have longer no stop time. This course is a good complement for those people who have taken the Wreck or Cave course. As a Nitrox diver you are capable of spending more time at depth than with the regular compressed air; this is an interesting point if you are diving in a deep wreck or deep caves because you can spend more time enjoying the marine life.

Finally I would like to mark that as you have noticed there are different kind of specialties, as an Open Water diver you can already start getting some of these certifications.
There are a lot of different specialties you may be interested in. We listed all the PADI Specialty Course HERE on our website. Your diving adventure just started with your OW and the rest is just going to get better. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our courses, we’d love to to teach you.
Contacts us at Rich Cost Diving
Mrs. Celine Monfort
WhatsApp: +506 8610 0914