Group 1 - Sponges: Sponges make up the phylum Porifera, meaning "pore bearers". They can be found all over the world, from the poles to the tropics, in both shallow and deep water. There are approximately 8,500 known living species of sponges, most of which live in saltwatre environments.
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5 Fun Facts - Sponges
Sponges are different from other invertebrates because they lack tissues and organs. Their bodies are made of cells, each of which performs a diffrent tasks such as filtering food particles from water or expelling waste from the body.
Body Shape: Their body shape is designed to efficiently channel water through the sponge, collecting nutrients and eliminating unwanted particles and chemicals.
Sessile beings: Mature sponges are sessile, meaning they are permenently attached to the ocean floor or some other hard surface.
Asexual Reproduction: Sponges can reproduce both asexually and sexually, in several different ways. Fragmentation is the most common form of reproduction for sponges and occurs accidentally. It happens when a piece of a sponge is broken off the main body, such as by an animal or storm. If the fragmented piece contains the necesarry types of cells, it can settle and regrow as a new sponge.
Sexual Reproduction: Sponges can reproduce sexually through a process called broadcast spawning. When this happens, gametes; sperm and eggs are released into the water where fertilization and larval development occurs. These events can be triggered by environmental factors such as tides or temperature changes.
Defense: Sponges are incapable of responding to environmental changes or physical threats. To protect themselves from harm, many sponges use chemicals as form of self-defense. These chemicals can be toxic to potential predators or may simply have an unpleasant taste.